Monday, July 29, 2013

Sudoku Solver

Sudoku is one of my favorite games. I used to play it a lot. One day, I meet a difficult sudoku problem that I can't solve easily, that simply perturb my mind. Rather than solving the problem, I prefer to make a solver code. I knew there are a lot of sudoku solver out there. But dude, that is the game. Creating a solver is the game itself, at least for me.
Then I did a little research. Wikipedia is always a good introductory. There are at least three methods to implement the solver:
1. Unique / Coloring / Possible Value
2. Booked Space
3. Back Track / Brute Force / Fill Empty Space

the last one is the most simple method for a practically infinite computation resource.
Ok. The solver is implemented and well tested. The screenshot shows a preview of mine.

Bellow is the C source code

1 comment:

  1. waw artikel yang sangat menarik , ditunggu postingan berikutnya ya

    Terima Kasih
